Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two out of three

I woke up this morning to a late winter/early spring blizzard. I bought a new chair yesterday along with a new xbox. Thus, I am prepared. Here are 3 pictures. Two out of the three objects will be in use today. Which ones do you think?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Winnie's 3rd Birthday

Today is Winnie's 3rd Birthday. I took her to Petsmart to pick out some snacks and toys. She is the best dog anybody could have. She is a trash eatin, face lickin, bratwurst stealin, cat chasin, frisbee catchin, football snatchin, close snugglin hell of a dog. Here are some pics of her over the years.

My baby the day we brought her home.


Her favorite spot in the house.

Strikin a pose.

Stakin a claim to Ralph's house

Lovin the leaves

The infamous tongue!!

All grown up with her Frisbee!

On her 3rd birthday chillin in her favorite spot with her new ball while watching the Jazz beat the Rockets!!

Happy Birthday Winnie!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Child Labor

Last Sunday mom brought the kids over for a little child labor party (and to relieve Sally while she was sick... see My backyard loves to grow some mean weeds and sticker bushes. I didn't take care of these last year so I figured now would be a good time.

After the weeds were gone.   We decided to have a family soccer game.  You can see that Winnie was very involved.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hammer Time!!

We got a surprise at work on friday. MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice showed up out of nowhere. Let me say that again.....MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice were shopping at the South Towne Center. This was not an event. We did not invite them. They simply stopped by to kill some time while on the way to their concert in Orem. The promoter told us they were riding down the freeway in Hammer's huge limo and he specifically requested a shopping trip at Macy's. He was very nice and soft spoken. I must admit I was a bit starstruck because I had all Hammer's albums as a kid. He really is 2 legit to Quit. I never did see Vanilla Ice. He must have jumped in to the limo before I got there. Or he was blending in with all the Hollister teens...hahahahah